Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling
SynTerra simulations enhance understanding of complex interconnected systems.
The SynTerra modeling team uses the latest software and has strong connections with leading practitioners in the field. With its expertise, SynTerra is ideally suited to deliver timely, cost-effective modeling solutions that enhance understanding of complex interconnected systems.
SynTerra capabilities for flow and transport modeling
Site understanding
- Identify data gaps and provide guidance for additional data collection.
- Refine the conceptual site model by revealing internal inconsistencies.
- Identify source areas and predicted plume migration.
Site closure/exit strategy
- Identify plume stability.
- Determine when monitored natural attenuation (MNA) is appropriate.
- Establish alternative cleanup goals.
Resource development
- Assess the amount of groundwater resources available.
- Assess the effectiveness of groundwater extraction methods.
- Evaluate the sustainability of groundwater resources.
- Predict the combined effects of anthropogenic and natural stresses on groundwater reserves.
- Evaluate aquifer vulnerability.
- Develop remediation goals protective of receptors.
- Evaluate remediation strategies based on costs and effectiveness.
- Optimize remedial monitoring systems based on costs and duration.
Geotechnical and landfill design
- Predict post-construction water levels.
- Estimate dewatering flow rates and final groundwater elevations.
- Evaluate the effects of capping systems and liners.