Let SynTerra help you in the site selection process.
By Dan Warrick (Posted May 20, 2020):
Site selection is a vital process for companies and industries looking to set up new operations, relocate, or expand. SynTerra offers many services all under one roof, that can assist our clients during the site selection process.
We provide these services to a wide array of clients including site selection consultants, economic developers, real estate brokers, and companies, and industries themselves. A detailed list of SynTerra data services can be found here.
We offer expanded GIS and CAD expertise that can provide preliminary evaluations of regions, counties, and sites. These services are used to evaluate a region, county, or cities and towns using selected parameters that narrow down the qualified sites. Additional factors like proximity to interstates, major highways, utility services, cities, and ports can also be incorporated for better site selection.
Using these tools, we can examine potential sites and evaluate existing utilities to determine capacity and the potential need for extensions and to uncover possible issues. Other evaluations that assist with decision-making include evaluating topography, analyzing slope, identifying potential wetlands and floodplains, and determining easements and rights of way.
To better assist our clients in the site selection process, SynTerra can provide the following deliverables to name a few:

3D Rendering
- Aerial maps
- Tax parcel and zoning maps
- Topography maps
- Slope analysis of maps
- Buildable area maps
- Utility maps
- Transportation maps
- Existing industry maps
- Conceptual site plans
- Cut/fill map
- Preliminary cost opinion for site development
- Preliminary cost opinion for utility extensions and rerouting
- 3D conceptual rendering images
- Virtual flyover videos of buildings and sites
- USDA soils maps
- National land cover database maps
- Cinematic drone videos (site marketing videos)
- GIS StoryMaps

Conceptual Plan
These deliverables are incorporated into our site marketing flyers, which can be a huge asset during the site selection process. An example of our recent marketing flyers can be found here.
SynTerra can also provide more detailed information by diving into due diligence services, including Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA), wetland delineations, geotechnical subsurface evaluations, threatened and endangered species surveys, cultural resource surveys, and topographic surveying services. SynTerra’s team has a variety of expertise that allows them to accomplish this in-house.
After site selection is complete, SynTerra can provide detailed due diligence services, civil engineering site design, civil engineering construction plans, and documents, permitting services, general contractor bid assistance, construction administration and observations, and regulatory compliance services.
If you are interested in assessing a site or need support with developing your selected site(s), contact our civil engineer market leader, Dan Warrick, for more information.